Channel: The Brainwashing of My Dad Movie Reviews and Ratings | Fandango.com
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The Brainwashing of My Dad Fandango Buzz

100% of 17 Fandango fans have indicated that they "Can't Wait" to see The Brainwashing of My Dad and 0% "Don't Care" about this movie.Read All Movie Reviews Write a Movie Review

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There are no Fandango user ratings for this movie. Be the first to rate The Brainwashing of My Dad! Rate This Movie

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The absolute worse reversal of truth..!

Wow..! Talk about twisting reality to portray the opposite of truth as truth..! The makers of this film have a truly evil agenda, you should watch...Read MoreRead All Movie Reviews Write a Movie Review

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Same thing happened to my mom...

Same thing happened to my mom...Read All Movie Reviews Write a Movie Review

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Literally, the most stupid movie ever

I don't even have words to describe the idiocy of the premise. Why waste money and an hour and a half of your life watching this?Read All Movie Reviews Write a Movie Review

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If I could I would give it 0 stars

The liberals need to go away.Read All Movie Reviews Write a Movie Review

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